26 April 2011

14 months

We went to Mechernich to have the First “wurftreffen” of the von der Linde E-litter. Angelika has a vacation home, so we arrived on Friday and could stay there until Saturday evening. It was beautiful whether! On Friday we met Mei Mei (my mother) and Enya (my sister). We also met Daron, the male eurasier living with Angelika. Me and Daron don’t like each other. We went for a little walk and then my bosses and the family of Angelika tasted some Belgian beer. The more they tasted, the better they understood each other.

On Saturday the other members of the litter arrived. Engy and Elaine were there. Estrella could not participate. Later on an aunt of us, Malou, arrived also together with another eurasier. First we took some time to say hello to each other, but soon we started for a walk in the Eifel. This was a lot of fun, 100 meters on the leach and then they released us. All went fine, and I was pretty proud to run between my family. Me as only male dog between all these females.

Great! After the walk we had (of course) “kaffee und kuchen”. My sisters could run freely in the garden, but I had to stay on the leach. (Daron was there remember). This was not that bad, the female dogs came from time to time to play with me. After the coffee we played a “wezentest” and a “showing scenario”. We all did very good!

Then the husband of Angelika started up the BBQ. We ate together and then boss said we had to leave.

Conclusion : a great wurftreffen, next year we will participate again!
Many thanks to Angelika to bring us together. The von der Linde E-litter is a great litter.

Below a picture of the family, from left to right : Enya – Mei-mei – Engy – Elaine – Eros.

You can find more pictures clicking on the picture below.
20110423 Wurftreffen