12 September 2011

19 months (almost)

First of all we went to the eurasier BBQ. This was not really a success. I fought with all male eurasiers. Boss was really not amused.

We also went on vacation to Voeren. A beautiful environment. No traffic and a lot of nature. We walked and walked and walked. At the evenings i was tired and boss was exhausted. Real fun.

Afterwards we have visited my mother and sister in Germany. For the first time since i left there, my mother asked to play with her. Great. With my sister Enya all is well and we are still good friends.

After this short visit we went to Stadkyll with colleagues of boss. Forty people who loved my and were begging to pet me. Great.
Meanwhile all medical tests are done. My eyes, knees and blood are perfect. The HD test was also done, the vet told us everything looks good, but to know what rate i have, the EKW has to examine the photos. They refuse to examine them because the picture are digital instead of analogue. Boss is not happy and he told me if these pictures are not good, he will not anesthetize me again. This means my medical file is not complete and i will never be allowed to breed.